Take Action and Get Involved

As we navigate the legislative process, your support is vital to ensure that the minority dividing Tasmania on this issue do not get to block our team and stadium. We have come this far, and now need to convince some of our elected representatives to support the team and stadium. Can you help by taking one of the actions listed below?

Contact Your Local MP

Now is the time to speak with your representative about the importance of this project to you. Can you take the time to email, call, write them a letter or make an appointment to see the members who haven’t committed to supporting our team and multi-purpose stadium?
What should you include?
Make sure to introduce yourself and make sure they understand you are a constituent from the local area who is passionate about the opportunities that this would provide to Tasmania.

Tell your own story about what the teams and stadium upgrades would mean to you and your family, and why it is important they support it.

Ask your MP to commit to voting to support the multi-purpose stadium at Macquarie Point as a project of state significance.

There is a template below that you can use as a starting point.

Who is my local MP?

If you want to find your local representatives, please click here.

If you already know your electorate name or MP's name, you can find the contact details for elected members who need to hear from you in the list below.

Legislative Council Members

House of Assembly Members

Is there a template I can use?

It's important to include your own words and story. But if you would like some help, here is a suggested email or letter you could send.
I’m contacting you as a local resident of our community to express my strong support for the new multi-purpose stadium project at Macquarie Point. I believe that this project has the potential to bring countless benefits to Tasmania, and I request your support in making it a reality.

A new team and stadium will put Tasmania on the map, drawing new visitors, events and economic activity. This will benefit local businesses and showcase to both national and international markets all that we have to offer.

This project will build wealth and opportunity for all Tasmanians. It will also provide yet another reason to stay in Tassie and attract those that are seeking to move.  An investment like this helps retain our youth and skilled Tasmanians who otherwise are leaving the state.

I want to see a Tasmania with vibrant cities, new employment opportunities, and people with a sense of pride in their community and sporting champions. This is an important legacy that we can leave for future generations.

Please use your vote in Parliament to support our Tasmanian AFL and AFLW teams and the Macquarie Point multi-purpose stadium.

I’ll be using my vote at the next election to support representatives that have helped make this dream come true.

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to hearing about your stance on this project and any actions you plan to take to support it.

Write a Letter to the Editor

Share your views in your local newspaper by writing a letter to the editor.


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